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South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries: This is what your Karmic Journey looks like
With Libra in the South Node, you’d find that you are very familiar with the energy of partnership and niceties. It’s very likely that you are instilled, within you, the value of partnership at a very young age. As a result, you may find that there’s a particular charm to you: much as you are drawn to people, they too are drawn to you.
The problem really comes when the Libra-esque quality in you is so strong that you become too people-pleasing. That you go about your life seeking the approval and permission of others. You’d realise that this, then, gets in the way of your growth and limits new and greater results in your life.
And that’s when your North Node in Aries comes in. With a North Node in Aries, what you are learning more and more is the value of independence and self-assertion. You’re learning more and more so that it’s less important to be liked and more important to be you, to do you. For some of you, this could be about asserting your boundaries, and being ok with conflict. For others, this could be about doing your own thing, manifesting your individual will: pioneering something, starting your own business.
And of course, this Aries quality is scary to you if you’ve lived your life trying to get people’s approvals and buy-in. Because now, no one can tell you what to do or what is right. Now you get to decide and you’d have no idea if it’s really ‘right’.