It’s the Winter Solstice!

It’s the Winter Solstice!
Those of us living near the equator may not realise that today marks the day of the longest night. After today, daylight hours would start to increase, all the way to Summer.
Because Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, it takes on the significance of hope. This is the darkest and longest night, the most trying time and period. We just have to muster our strength and courage to get through this day. And tomorrow- tomorrow is when the ease begins. And it will all start to get better.
Wherever you are, whatever is going on in your life, I wish you well. And that after today, things will start to get better and you’d be able to live your life with abundance, power and flow.
As daylight hours start to increase, after tonight, I wish that, you too, will get the clarity and wisdom that comes with the increase in day and light.